[HD-1080p] Kara - Pandora (Melon)

Download MV Kara (카라) - Pandora (판도라) (Melon Full HD 1080p)

Source: Melon

[HD-720p] Sistar - Alone (Melon)

Pass Link/Unrar: sharehd.net

[HD-720p] Sistar - Alone (Melon)

Pass MF/Unrar: sharehd.net

Credit: Private + www.sharehd.net

Download MV Kara (카라) - Pandora (판도라) (Melon Full HD 1080p)

2 comment (s):

  1. Is it me or somehow, it's already like this!?
    Seems kinda laggy through out the whole video =.=

  2. thank for the video. and yeah it lags for me too its freaking annoying. its the type that happens when ur cpu cant hack the high video quality. but i5 should be sufficient... must be the video...
